Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Whew, so tired.

So long time since I was last on hey? Anyways quick updates:

1. Have now been married for 3 months and 2 days. (Longer than half of Hollywood). Still pretty awesome, very few fights even though we're in each other's hair all the time. Guess we really do love each other ;)

2. Got an Xbox 360. The prospect of Halo 3 was just too much to ignore. It rocks serious ass. (Until 5 years from now when the next thing comes out and makes these amazing graphics look like stick men.)

3. Been at the mine for a month and a half. What's it like? Long days. Extremely humid and hot. You breathe in salty dust all day. Some of the worst nosebleeds I've ever had. I've never been so tired in my life. You hate it for the 4 or 5 days you are working, but then you love your 4 or 5 days off. And the paycheques are awesome too. I will be getting financially ahead really quick if I get hired on permanently. The 12 hour days aren't affecting the marriage yet, but if that happens, I'll dump this job in a second. I like being married more than having money.

Thats all for now, folks! Drop me a line sometime.


At 10:31 a.m., Blogger Ev(an) said...

"Have now been married for 3 months and 2 days. (Longer than half of Hollywood)" LOL Great line!

Consider this line dropped: email me when you're free and physically able to go golfing. I'll make it work on my end.


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