A Dark Strange World
So I got to go underground for the first time today, and it's pretty amazing. Tunnels carved into tons and tons of rock, and the only thing keeping it from falling on your head is someone way smarter than me figuring out stresses and weight allowances and all that stuff. The dark areas are amazing, with the potash twinkling and reflecting in the miniscule amount of light provided by the headlights of our crew jeep. Some areas have a constant slow drip of water, and because of the makeup of potash, this creates, I guess you could call them Saltcicles; little stagalmites (or stagaltites, I can't ever remember) from the salt inside the potash. It's also really warm down there, like between 25-30 celcius, even in winter, apparently.It's strange really, despite the complete and total lack of any plant life, it feels very humid and tropical down there. A mine truly is a Dark Strange World.
That's all for now, kiddies.
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