Thursday, December 29, 2005

Classifieds Section

Hey all!

Figured I may as well use this thing to sell stuff too! I want to sell my Playstation 2. Between my X box, Gamecube, computer and girlfriend/ wedding stuff, something has to go, so I chose my PS2.

It's about 2 years old, probably has less than 200 hours on it. Comes with 2 memory cards, 1 controller and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Gran Turismo 4 (One Memory card also has a saved game with the super liscence for GT4 on it.) All of the hook up cables too, of course and also the box. If you know me, I am EXTREMELY anal about taking care of my electronic stuff, so this thing is in awesome shape. No greasy pizza fingers, no spilled pop, nothing. Pretty much as mint as something that is 2 years old can be.

I'm looking for 100 bucks. Pretty firm on that.

PS: It is not the new 'thin' PS2. But that is probably good, on account of how the new thin PS2 has issues with staying cool after playing games for more than 5 hours straight.


At 9:40 p.m., Blogger Ev(an) said...

Colin will need one for the day when I ultimately move out and take mine with me!

At 11:28 p.m., Blogger Lance said...

Hey well if he's interested, drop me a line. I will be around.


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