Geek Week
So this is the ultimate week to be a geek/nerd.It is E3 week. E3 is a huge trade show that shows off basically what's gonna come out video-game wise for the next year. Today was it's first day, and here are the highlights:
1: In quite possibly the smartest move ever, Bill Gates is making sure that Halo 3 will be launched for Xbox 360 the SAME DAY that the Playstation 3 will be released. Genius move to take away some of Sony's firepower, but then again, Bill gates didn't get to be the world's richest man without some bussiness savvy.
I have also watched a trailer for Halo 3 (Looky Here: ). And it looks pretty good. Master Cheif has some SHINEY armor with all these new graphics powers.
2: Speaking of PS3 stuff, Sony has finally shown actual gameplay of some of its new games. Strange how none of the games look as good as all of the "Here's how good these games will look" movies Sony showed at last years E3. Except for Metal Gear Solid 4 which can be seen by clicking on the link:
3: Oh yeah more PS3 stuff. It's gonna cost about $600-700 AMERICAN! So about $800 here. Hmmmmmmmmm........ no. I'll wait thanks. Even if the graphics make me have strange feelings in my pants.
Thats my impression of E3 so far and it still goes on for 3 more DAYS!!!! Yesssss geek heaven!!