Happy Anniversary
Well, barring any major foot in mouth action on my part or a nuclear bomb blowing us all up, come Sunday I have been married for a year. My review of marriage so far is 4 stars out of 5. I like it a lot. The only thing I like more, in fact, is starburst jellybeans. (The only thing to ever get a 5 out of 5 in the history of my rating scale.)The plan is to go to the symphony on Sunday and most likely dinner at the Station Place. Our anniversary present is going to Vegas in the beginning of April. Should be fun, methinks.
In other news, my car has been modified since last seen. I have now got limo tint on the rear windows, a rust control module, a cold air intake and a bigger spoiler. Here are some pictures of said items.
Oh yeah and one annoyance. We bought a snow blower to deal with the 8 feet of snow we've received this year and after using it 3 whole times, the transmission wouldn't work. Turns out that snow will melt and freeze the transmission solid. Hmm, kinda a design flaw for something that gets used in winter, I would say.
PS you can click on the pics to make them bigger