Yay! An Election! (WAY less fun than an erection)
So, the conservatives and all them teamed up to kick out Paul Martin, eh? It's a good idea in thoery, but let me give you my prediction:
By the end of January, after however many million dollars an election costs, Paul Martin and his Liberal party will be back in power as a minority government. Why? Because nobody cares that the Liberal party got caught being corrupt, on account of pretty much all the political parties are pretty sleazy. Oh yeah and us Canadians are so inherently nice, that the worse we'll do about this Gomery stuff is grumble about it with co workers, or if we get REAL angry, we might write a somewhat heated letter to the Starphoenix.
So, come February when Mr. Teflon himself, Paul Martin still has his grubby little hands all over this country's rulership like a 2 virgins at the prom.............. I told you so.
The UN has some dumb ideas...
So no real reason for this post. Just want to comment on something I saw on CBC's 'The National' last week.
According to this news story, the UN (I beleive) is investigating the US's operations in Iraq on human cruelty issues. Not because of torture in Abu Grahib or anything, but because the US used a bullet with a phosphorous additive to shoot people. Apparently, the phosphorous has a chemical reaction so that it will heat up extremely and burn the victim as well as blow a hole in the guy.
So let me get this straight. The UN is OK with shooting a hole in a guy, but not putting a hole in a guy AND burning him. THAT would be cruel! (Sarcasm BTW)
Dear UN, WTF?
Yeah, so suprise suprise, eh? The old Lancerooni is getting married! I'm pretty pumped and will now tell you the story of my lovely girlfriend. (I HATE the word '
FIANCE', so totally la-dee-da elitist sounding IMHO.)
A long time ago in a galaxy far away, a Wookie and an Ewok were hanging out and drinking on Endor, when they decided to make a beer run. Well long story short, they were to drunk and crashed their speeder bikes into a big ass tree.
Just thought I'd put that in there, because I'm not sure if the "how I met my future wife story" is going to be too exciting for anyone.
About 5 months after I got out of DHS, I got a job at a crappy plastic tank factory called QMP. You may have seen it on the highway into Saskatoon, it's right by the auction mart. Anyhoo, fast forward 2 boring years of me working at QMP, when in this totally awesome chick named Sarah starts working at QMP. She's pretty cool, about 5 ft 2 and could work harder than most of the men that worked at QMP. Anyways, we become friends and start hanging out (I realise at this point I should mention that I had NO romantic interest in Sarah. Partly because she smoked at the time, but mostly because of her massive wrestler looking oilfield boyfriend. Don't get me wrong though, she was pretty smokin hot.)
So Sarah and I started going to comedy nights on Fridays at David's lounge, when lo and behold, one night she invites her friend. She goes, "Oh Lance, maybe you and Marge should go out. You'd be perfect for each other!) Then she proceeds to tell me that Marge likes to play Dungeons and Dragons, is a big Star Trek fan and the romantic interest killer: She has a really nice personality. (As any guy who's reading this,(( and maybe some girls too)) can probably guess, my expectations were not high at all.
Well, Sarah neglected to mention that Marge was a 5 ft tall 120 pound Blonde that was extremely attractive. And for the record, did and does have a great personality. So we started going out as a group for comedy nights and eventually she asked me out, on account of how I'm a total wuss.
And now 3 years later, I'm getting married! I now totally beleive that soulmate, love at first sight stuff that I previously thought was total BS. I've also kinda come to beleive in some sort of greater power. Call it God, call it Buddah, call it your stupid damn cat, I don't know. All I know is that this greater power rewarded my work in the hellhole of QMP with the greatest gift I've ever recieved. Her name is Marge.
And I love her.
Back In the Saddle Again
So seeing as I've had this blog reserved for like a year, I fgured maybe I should Finally write something in it.
Well, to everyone that knows me and maybe hasn't seen me or talked to me for awhile, I'll tell you how/what I've been doing.
About 2 years ago I went to school to be a radio announcer, then I got a job which I held for 4 months before I quit. Did you know that a starting DJ makes minimum wage? I didn't. Time for a new job!
I then spent 2 years back at the crappy plastic plant that I got my very first job ever at, to raise money for school somewhere. (As a side note, the job wasn't ALL bad because through a work friend I met my Fiance, Marge. ((More on THAT in a later blog.)) )
I spent all this summer at Kelsy SIAST and am now a first year plumber! Plumbers DON'T make minimum wage= GOOD.
So, Hopefully somehow people will find this sucker, but I'll probably keep writing in here anyways cause it's kinda theraputic!